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Welcome to my nest! Here you'll find various ideas and materials from the different AD&D games I have run or played in over the years. Please feel free to borrow ideas or material for your game, but please do not redistribute my material in any form without my permission (which, by the way, I will give if it's an interesting project you have in mind and you ask nicely first). My primary intent here is just to showcase some of the cool ideas my players and I have had throughout the course of our campaigns, and perhaps allow you to be inspired by them, giving birth to new ideas for your game, or allowing you to comment on our material, perhaps giving us some new ideas to make our game even better.
I've been a fan and player of Dungeons & Dragons since 1979, and have experienced all 4 of it's major incarnations. While D&D and 1st edition AD&D were classic games, from which I still borrow ideas and material from regularly, 2nd edition AD&D is by far my favorite version of the game, and thus it is the one most strongly represented here. Although 3rd edition is a fine game from what I can see so far, it doesn't fit what I see as the flavor of the D&D game I run, so I have chosen to not 'upgrade' my game. Due to the overwhelming popularity of the new system however, as time permits I will squeeze conversion notes from my ideas and present them here for your enjoyment.
This site is a non-profit fan based tribute to the Dungeons & Dragons game system. The use of trademarks and copyrights of Wizards of the Coast is not meant in any way as a threat or challenge to their rights. Please click the link below to visit their home page.